Tuesday, December 10, 2013

There Is Still Hope...

There is so much going in the world today to the point it may seem that is no light at the end of the tunnel.  However there is a light,  a very bright light so bright it lights up the very darkest of places.

Places that you would never think have some form of light, a light so brilliant that there are no words to begin to describe it, what is this light?  This light that gives you hope for tomorrow, hope for the future, hope for this very moment that you stand and wonder what is the next move you should take.

This light will light  your path and give way to your destiny and purpose for life, life itself.  A light that will allow you to see what you could not see before, those things that have been inside your very soul all along.

The things that are taking place in the world would have you to believe that there is no hope of any kind because of the way people have change and some not for the better.  But there are people in this world that are among us that have a light within them that says there is still hope.

Whatever you do, whatever I do, we must not give up on this light we know to be true
this light we know to be real
this light we know that will lead and guide us to where we are to be, where we are destine. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Several years ago I received a late night call. A desperate voice on the other end asked me to come immediately to his home. I walked in to find a tear stained face, overcome with shame and grief. This man was a dear friend. I was helping him to find his place in the ministry. But tonight there was nothing but shame and despair.
As I sat down, he began to share a tale of perversion and sin. That
night, it all came to a head. He felt he was over the edge. His secret sin had finally carried him to a point of destruction. After honestly confessing his sin to me, I asked him if he had confessed and asked God for forgiveness. I shared a few words of encouragement and got up to leave. In utter amazement he asked, “Aren’t you going to cast something out of me or deal with me?” The words sprang out of my heart, “You didn’t sin against me, you
sinned against God. If you’ve settled it with Him, it’s settled with me. I don’t discern a need for deliverance, but if you feel tempted, you take authority over it.”
As I drove home I asked the Lord, “Did I say enough? Did I say the
right things?” The Lord spoke back and said, “Because you showed him mercy, he was able to receive my mercy. Because you showed him love and acceptance, he was able to receive my love and acceptance.”
Some years later, after I had gone through some personal destruction, I saw this man in a minister’s conference. I went to talk with him. We talked briefly about the problems I had experienced. He gave me nothing but mercy and forgiveness. Then he said, “That night you came to my house, you saved my life.” The way I related to him gave him confidence about the mercy of God.
Dr Jim Richards (Excerpt from "The Gospel Of Peace") 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tears They Fall Like Rain..

A Drop of Honey...

Tears they fall like rain...
Your in a better place I know, it still doesn't easy the pain
That I feel in the very depth of my heart and soul

Tears they fall like rain...
... The thought that I will not hear the sound of your voice
Is too much to bear, to not be able to receive sound wisdom
From you, really...

Tears they fall like rain...
I know you couldn't live forever but still just the thought of this day
Of you not being there to give me a hug when I need one the most
Like right now, I need a hug a hug from you just one more
To not be able to say I Love You and hear you say it back, wow...

Tears they fall like rain...
Everyone says it will get better in time, will it, will it really get better, to be honest the way I feel at this moment don't see
How that can be true

God, I know the one I love is resting in your Almighty Arms
I know being with You is the best thing for them
For they are no longer in pain
No more stress of any kind
No more of the unknown just your peace and love

Tears they fall like rain...
Lord please wrap you Mighty Arms around me because losing
The one I love hurts so bad, We need you LORD, WE NEED YOU!!

"Weeping endure for the night but joy cometh in the morning"

Poem By:Messianic Poetess Anita B. Williams


Monday, July 8, 2013



Go Get It, Go Get Your Blessings
God has it all in place whatever you need to get it
It's already inside of you just Believe and do not Doubt
What God has spoken into your life, He has confrim His word
Now walk it out...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Messianic Poetess: God Can Supply

     God can do this, than why is it so hard to believe

That He can do beyond awesome things in our lives

All we have to do is

Trust in His word

Believe that as His children no good thing
Will He withhold from us

Have Faith that He will perform
His Word in our lives

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Change Is Coming

A Change Is Coming
Right now you feel as if God has forgotten you
Because nothing around you is changing

The tears that fall from your eyes
In the middle of the night
Are still tears of pain
It’s not the joy, that you long to feel
And need so much at this time

You don’t want a bandage
Because that will only last for a moment
Before you need another

You want a healing
You want a deliverance
You want the winds to bring a change
That will Bless you and free your soul
Like never before in your life

A Change Is Coming
A new journey

A Change Is Coming
One that will give you hope
In your darkest moment
One that will allow you to soar a little higher
Like an eagle

A Change Is Coming
Because God is moving
Heaven and earth for you

~ “if you ask anything in
My name, I will do it.” ~
John 14:14

Monday, June 10, 2013

Messianic Poetess Anita B. Williams

You have been waiting all your life
For a moment like this and still
You question if it is real or not
You wonder if you should pursue or hold back
Another day or even another year
Finally, the dream that God gave you
Some time ago is coming together
The prayer you have been praying
Is now being answered, yet you still hesitate
To walk into your destiny
The vision you had a month ago
Is now unfolding before your very eyes
Yet, you keep wondering if you are even ready
For this moment in your life
Finally, everything is coming together
Why then are you so afraid to consume
What God alone is giving you
The door is open and the position is yours for the taking
Answer these questions
What do you think would happen
If you passed this moment by
How long do you think it would be
Before another moment like this comes again
Finally, your moment has arrived and you
Stand there in fear of the unknown
Embrace the moment and let God
Take care of the rest
For He alone brought you this far
He will take you the rest of the way
Just trust in Him
Finally, is here
What are you going to do
Whatever you do, don't let fear be the reason
You think about walking away
Finally, it is your season
It is your time to walk into your destiny
No, it is time to become your destiny

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Drop of Honey

A Drop of Honey
Death has away of making you stop and think about your life and the lives of your love ones.  Stop and think about what am I doing with my life, is my life pleasing God?
You stop and think if I died today where will my soul rest, so many different things run through your mind when death is near.  However when you are rooted and ground in God Almighty you already know who you are and who you truly belong to no matter what life throws your way, you can stand in peace.
Tonight, my heart goes out to all those I know who have lost love ones, does matter when they passed away losing someone you love is truly never an easy thing.
I pray that the peace of God will comfort you
I pray that His love will give you strength
I pray that His joy will see you through those moments when the tears are in your eyes, that His joy will wipe them away
I pray that you will allow God to hold you in the night when you find that sleep escapes you
I pray that through the pain and the sadness you will know and realize that you are not alone that the Angles watch over you and know that your love one is with their Maker
I Pray.....
Shalom v'Ahavah
Messianic Poetess
Anita B. Williams

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's Not Too Late!!!!

It's Not Too Late
To come to Christ, to give all that you are to Him
To give your heart and soul

It's Not Too Late
No matter if you are 100 years old
No matter what you have or don't

Just come as you are and let God Almighty do the REST!!!


Monday, May 6, 2013

Finding Love

Finding Love
Searching here and there
Trying to find a place
Where you belong, trying
To find someone to
Love you and just when
You think you did
Here comes the hurt
And the tears that
Wont end as well as
The disappointment but
In spite of you wont
Stop looking for love
Then one day out
Of nowhere love finds
You, you think to yourself
This is too good to be true
He couldn’t love me
It’s too soon so you
Ask the question
How do I know your love is true
Because I died for you
What do you mean
You died for me?
You see these nail scared hands
You see these nail scared feet
These are the result of what
Happen on Calvary
I hung on a cross and I took on
Your sins, your sickness which by
The stripes on my back you are heal
I took on your pain
Your suffering, the generation cures
Your broken heart and so much more
But not only
By my wounds shall you know
My love is real; You see I’m God’s only
Begotten Son, My Father love you
So much He gave me up so you
Can have life everlasting, I was willing
So My Father’s will could be done
Who do you know would be willing to die for you?
At Last Finding Love, true love
At Last I know I’m loved
At Last I know I belong
Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of
love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy
Philippians 2:1

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

God's Love Will Fill This Place

God’s Love Will Fill This Place

We oftentimes underestimate God’s love for us

We think that He doesn’t love us

Which in fact is not the case at all

His love for us is more than we could ever

Come to understand in this lifetime

We should have received a clue when

He sent His only Begotten Son to die for us

But still that wasn’t enough for us

To see the He has for us

Ask yourself this question, would you give up

Your only child to die?

To die for just one person that you did not know

God did it for many and all He knew

He already knew that we would make our mistakes

He knew that many of us wouldn’t get it right

The first 100 times

Yet, He was still willing to send His Only Son

To die for you and me

God’s Love Will Fill This Place
His love will carry you to the mountaintop

His love will see you through the worst of storms

It will guide you through the night

It will lead you to the path He would have you to be on

His love is stronger than any wind
                             His love is deeper than any ocean

                             His love is wider than any sea

Poem By: Messianic Poetess Anita B. Willams

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Don't Give Up

Life will throw all kinds of things at you from all areas
So much so that you just want to walk away, walk away
From the very thing that God has called you to

Do you feel like that at this very moment? 
Do you feel like it's all in your head that God didn't call you?
Do you want to just walk away and forget about the dream?

Don't Give Up and Don't Give In
Just hold on just a little bit longer
Trust God to do what He alone said He would do
Don't let circumstance that is surrounding at this time
Get the very best of you, that part of you that God has prepared
For such a time as this, hold on just a little while longer

God has not forgot you nor has He left you
Standing in the dark of the unknown just BELIEVE
That He will and He will

17 Then your life will be brighter than noonday
Darkness would be like the morning.
18 Then you would trust,
      because there is hope;
     And you would look around and rest securely.
     ~Job 11:17-18~

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I Know What I'm Doing
Look, I know what I told you
And yes, it sounds crazy
But you must trust Me
I know where you are
And what you are in need of
Trust Me, I will provide
Look, I realize there are some
That are giving you strange looks
Because they feel you are
Wasting your life away
I hear the questions they ask you and I know
You're not quite sure what to say
Because if you told them what I said
They would not believe you
Trust Me, even when what they say
Will cause you to question
What I Am doing
Trust Me, I have you right
Where I want you
I'm using you so
Everyone will see Me
I realize this isn't easy
But this time in your life
Is in My Master Plan
I'm setting you up for greatness
Yeah, I know it's different but understand
I wouldn't have you on this journey
If I didn't think you would not go all the way
Trust Me,
I Know What I'm Doing

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Shulamite Bride: Psalms 42:1 As the deer pants after the water broo...

The Shulamite Bride: Psalms 42:1 As the deer pants after the water broo...: Psalms 42:1 As the deer pants after the water brook, so pants my soul for You. You alone oh Lord are my hearts desire and I long to worsh...
This Is the Sesaon
This Is the Season
To make things right
With God
This Is the Season
To walk into the
Things of God
This Is the Season
To be all you are
Supposed to be
This Is the Season
To stop running away
And run to
Stop seeking the things
of this world to
Give you peace
God's peace will
 Surpass all understanding
Stop seeking the world's
Kind of joy
God's joy will
Give you strength
Stop seeking the world's
Kind of wisdom
God's wisdom will
Bring honor to you
This Is the Season
For you to be Blessed