Getting things in order
To be a Stonger Woman of God
Looking forward to the
New Journey that God
Has set in place for me...
Messianic Poetess
Anita B. Williams
Honey for the Soul is not just words put together to sound good or to even make you feel good. These poems are anointed by God alone. I am the pen and He is the writer. The poems are oracles of God. They are the reply given by God for those who are in search of their place, destiny and purpose.
Getting things in order
To be a Stonger Woman of God
Looking forward to the
New Journey that God
Has set in place for me...
Messianic Poetess
Anita B. Williams
Trying not to get lost in my emotions
Trying not to lean into my own understanding
Trying to move out of my comfort zone
Trying to let go and let God
But I'm feeling lost...
I know He knows what's going on
I know He hears, I know that He does, its just...
Messianic Poetess
Anita B. Williams
It doesn't matter what it may Look like at this moment
There is Hope
Life is full of the unknown
The unknown can place fear
Within your very heart and soul
There is Hope and in that Hope
You do not have to face
The unknown alone
There is Hope in Jesus
Written By: Messianic Poetess
Anita B. Williams
I see you in a different light
I see you for the first-time in Such a way that it makes me
Feel free, free to do and Accomplish all that you would
Have me to
Father thank you for opening
Up my eyes to the truth of who
You are, Mighty God
By:Messianic Poetess
Anita B. Williams